Bells Piece, the Leonard Cheshire home in Hale Road, Farnham, is recovering from the damaging consequences of the Covid pandemic – and the good news for its many friends is they will be welcoming families and the general public to a summer fete from midday on Saturday, August 5.

“It’s going to be just the start of the recovery,” said a support group spokesman. “The residents, staff and friends have so badly missed activities since much was closed down.

“Bells Piece earned enormous popularity across the Farnham and districts’ community, and local service organisations, clubs, societies and businesses were very much a part of life for the home and its residents, who have learning difficulties. 

“We are recovering, and we need friends old and new to be with us.  

“This year has seen us getting out and about. We were very much a part of the Weyside Rotary Club’s annual spring duck race at Gostrey Meadow, and we had our own memorable celebration of the King’s coronation.

“But the summer fete will be our first outdoor domestic event.  If it won’t be on the scale of past such occasions, it will be something of a launch-pad for our ‘public’ recovery. There will be an attractive mix of stalls – and we’d welcome donations of bric-a-brac, soft toys and bottles for a tombola. Gifts for a cake stall would also be welcomed.

“More information will be announced later – or do contact the home (01252 715138). But please make a note of the date!”