With a combined age of 147 some might call Ken Griffiths and Richard Reinkie mad for taking part in the Great South Run on Sunday, October 16.

But Community Ken and Tricky Dickie are dusting off their running shoes to help raise money for The Hunter Centre and Talk to Me.

They said: “Running ten miles around the streets of Portsmouth, seems like so much fun when you are in your 70s!”

As the president and friend of the Rotary Club of Haslemere, they are certainly rocking the boat when it comes to the typical Rotarian image. To quote one of their well-known sayings: “We will not let the old man in!”

The pair have already smashed their £2,000 target and have now raised it even higher.

If anyone would like to help Ken and Richard reach their £2,500 goal and keep them motivated through some gruelling training click here to donate.