Children have become sick from being in the River Wey according to social media reports from local communities.

On Tuesday, May 14 a parent in Frensham said their teenager had begun vomiting 24 hours after messing around in the river at the bottom of Frensham Cricket Club.

Nearly four hours later another concerned parent posted about a similar incident in Tilford.

The parent said: “After playing in the river on Friday in Frensham, my daughter and a number of her friends became very unwell.

“Since then I have had confirmation that further children became very unwell over the weekend after paddling in the river in Tilford.

“There has clearly been another sewage spill upstream, causing the local rivers to become contaminated. Please be aware and don’t let your children swim or paddle in the rivers.

“Be aware that the rivers can be absolutely filthy!”

A day later, the BBC reported that people in south Devon were having to boil their tap water due to 22 cases of a diarrhoea-type illness caused by a waterborne disease.

The situation follows a flurry of sewage releases in the River Wey over Easter and “alarmingly high” levels of E. coli in the River Thames that made several rowers sick at the University Boat Race.

Councillor for Elstead & Peper Harow, Gemma Long was made aware of the situation and said that she would pass reports on to environmental services.

Liberal Democrats candidate for Farnham & Bordon Khalil Yousuf said: “I am receiving a number of reports of children getting sick from swimming in the the River Wey. “It's dark, dirty and opaque because of all the raw sewage being pumped into it.

“I’m doing all I can to highlight the issue and we have asked Parliament to consider putting Thames Water into special administration.”