WILLIAM Cobbett Primary School has been rated ‘Good’ in its first Ofsted inspection since the amalgamation of William Cobbett Junior School and Weybourne Infant School in 2015.

Following an inspection earlier this year, the reports reads that “the headteacher and deputy headteacher have successfully united the school”, while praising the “wide and varied curriculum” as a “strength of the school”.

Pupils’ behaviour was also applauded, as was the “strong progress” made by students who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities.

The report acknowledges that “teachers’ secure subject knowledge and skilful questioning enable pupils to make good progress across a wide range of subjects”, and that students “enjoy the exciting visits and activities that enrich their learning”.

The varied programme of clubs and activities at the school allows pupils to “extend their interests”, while their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is stated as “strong” in the report.

Suggested improvements were also noted during the inspection, which took place on July 11 and 12, and included ensuring more of the “most able pupils achieve at the higher standard, particularly in writing, by the end of key stage 2”, that “disadvantaged pupils make faster progress so that they catch up with others”, and to ensure “governors reliably share their knowledge of the school, so they can better hold senior leaders to account”.

Julie Campbell, headteacher at the school, said: “We were very pleased with our Ofsted report. As a new primary school following the amalgamation of William Cobbett Junior and Weybourne Infant schools we had a full two-day inspection with three inspectors.

“They were very thorough and looked into all aspects of the school; giving us some very useful feedback on our next steps.”

Mrs Campbell went on to say that staff were “particularly delighted” that the report stated: “The personal development and welfare of pupils are outstanding. Pupils are very well cared for. They develop exceptionally positive attitudes towards each other. This is a happy and friendly school.”

The head added: “We believe that children need to be happy before they are ready to learn and fully involve themselves in all the school has to offer.

“We now have four years until our next inspection and will be working hard towards an outstanding judgement next time!”

William Cobbett Primary School became an all-through school three years ago, when the age range at William Cobbett Junior School was extended and Weybourne Infant School was subsequently closed. The now extended primary school incorporated both of the former sites.

The full Ofsted report can be read online at tinyurl.com/yatxf2e5.