Alex Just, the Labour prospective parliamentary candidate for Farnham and Bordon, has urged residents to support his call to revamp Surrey County Council’s proposal to introduce a ‘School Street’ at Farnham Heath End School.

His campaign comes in response to the start of the county council’s consultation on the first ever scheme of its type in Surrey, at Bullers Road at the entrance to Farnham Heath End School.

School Streets have been used successfully across the UK to reduce congestion and pollution resulting from the school run, and to improve children’s fitness and health.

They prevent unauthorised cars from entering specified streets near a school during peak hours during term time.

But Mr Just, who regularly takes his oldest child to his local school by bicycle, has criticised the county council’s “piecemeal approach”.

He said: “School Streets in Farnham could help to dramatically reduce congestion and improve our children’s well-being, but only if parents feel able to leave their car at home.

“I am happy to take my oldest child to school by bicycle, but I recognise that it’s not for everyone. For a School Street to succeed, it must be part of a comprehensive package of infrastructure, training and information that will reassure parents and children that walking, cycling and scooting are safe and practical.

“Without a revamp, the county council’s characteristically piecemeal approach seems destined simply to push the congestion and inconvenience into the surrounding roads.”

Mr Just is urging parents and residents to support the School Street, but to use the consultation to urge the county council to augment the proposal with measures such as cycle coaching, road safety training, improved pavements and crossings and cycle lanes that will keep pupils travelling to school safe.

He is also pushing for a more convenient exemption system for residents.