MEDIA technology guru Bruce Devlin gave a motivational talk about working in the world of film and television as part of the Year 9 careers programme at King Edward’s Witley.

The Chiddingfold resident, who is co-inventor of media tech business Mr MXF, has worked with Warner, Disney, Netflix, BBC and ITV.

Standards vice president for the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, Mr Devlin flagged up the shortage of students with both arts and science qualifications entering the industry.

He predicts the current skill shortage will be exacerbated by greater use of artificial intelligence, and promoted the opportunities for high-tech creative people within the media technology sector.

The event was organised by Andy Bardell, art technician at King Edward’s Witley, whose daughter was a paid intern at Mr MXF before going to university.

She learned cutting-edge film technology, using professional cameras and equipment for the ‘Bruce’s Shorts’ YouTube series.

Headteacher Joanna Wright said: “Having renowned professionals visit the school to introduce our pupils to the opportunities in their industry and the associated pathway to success, is a key strand of our careers programme.

“It was wonderful to hear Mr Devlin talk so passionately about the media technology world and I’m sure he has inspired many of our pupils to seriously consider this growth sector.

“It was particularly empowering for our girls who, 20 years or so ago, may have been directed away from such positions, but who today, are actively encouraged to pursue their dreams in any technology-related field.”