There’s a new man in the pulpit at St James’ Church, Rowledge. Revd Dr Steve Green was installed as vicar on Wednesday, April 24, at a service attended by clergy, councillors and other community representatives and residents of Rowledge.

Rt Revd Paul Davies (Bishop of Dorking), The Venerable Catharine Mabuza (Archdeacon of Surrey) and Revd Richard Bodle (Area Dean), led the service and installed Steve as the new vicar.

Before his ordination in 2021, Steve was a secondary school headteacher, director of education and a school inspector, and believes this leadership experience will be a bonus in his new role. 

He said: “It’s been a career involving people as well as strategy and finance, and I have a real passion for working with the community. There are 3,000 people in the parish and I want to offer all of them a vibrant church which they can all feel part of and be served by.

“The church was already growing and I want this to continue as we listen to God and discern what God wants for us.”

Steve, his wife Helen, their children and grandchildren were welcomed by representatives of the church and community, including Alan Earwaker, Farnham’s mayor, and Sarah Oliver, head of Rowledge Primary School.

Steve is the latest in a long series of vicars since the church was consecrated in 1871. He is hoping for a better time than the first one, Rev Arthur Parker, whose family were mocked and had stones thrown at them as they walked through the village.

*An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that the Rt Revd Paul Davies was the Bishop of Guildford. He is the Bishop of Dorking, and we apologise for the error.