FIFTY-five years ago, four old boys from Farnham Grammar School initiated an annual lunch in the New Forest.

The Southampton lunch was for former pupils who lived in Hampshire, but soon it became popular with Farnham members, and many travelled south to meet old pals.

The time has come for a change as the numbers dwindled and members did not wish to travel so far. It was decided to re-invent the popular lunch and move it to The Bush Hotel in Farnham.

In early October, 38 members of the association attended the initial lunch and the change of venue breathed new life into the event. The meal was throughly enjoyed and it was decided that this will become an annual meeting for the old boys.

Norman Paget managed to include the lunch into his holiday from America, and this is typical of the camaraderie in the association and the love of the old school at Morley Road.