EDGEBOROUGH School has celebrated the Boarding School Association (BSA) golden jubilee by burying a time capsule commemorating the world of boarding in 2016.

Around 70 of the pupils regularly stay at the school during the week and the capsule contains memories of their school years.

The items enclosed were collected by the years three to eight pupils and include teddy bears, books, a copy of the Farnham Herald, a uniform, photos and letters. It will be opened on the 75th anniversary of the BSA in 2041.

Many of the children will be in their 20s and 30s at that time and even the younger staff will be thinking of retirement when it is opened. The items should prove to be interesting and probably amusing!

The boarding captains Bruno Dent, Harry Clark, James Toogood, Henry Chipperfield and Jack Little buried the capsule and marked the spot with a plaque.