WHITEHILL Town Council leader Cllr Andy Tree has sought to further clarify the situation regarding the running of the Deadwater Valley Nature Reserve and the Bordon Inclosure.
A war of words broke out last week in the wake of the council’s decision to take over the land management role from the Deadwater Valley Trust.
Cllr Tree said: “For the avoidance of doubt, the employment of the current valuable rangers who work on town council land is protected under TUPE employment law rules. They would not lose, but would retain, their jobs.
“We decided that the two service level agreements with the trust were not covering all the areas we wanted them to and were not synchronised as well as they could have been. Therefore these specific agreements were terminated.
“Volunteers are free to carry on making their valuable contribution and are very welcome. The only difference is the town council and rangers will be working together.”