PUPILS at Potters Gate Primary School have been reading day and night to raise money for their school reference library.

Children as young as four took part in a ‘readathon’ to raise funds to increase the size of the non-fiction section of the school’s library.

The children read an impressive number of pages and books, and raised more than £860. The book seller Usborne Books generously gave an extra £360 worth of books for every £600 raised by the children.

Thanks to the hard work by the children, the library now has around 160 extra titles for them to enjoy.

The new books are already in high demand, with subjects ranging from nature and environment to science and space.

As an extra incentive to continue to read more, volunteer librarian Tris Irvine has set up a Sainsbury’s Lego card drop-in.

The children can come in and tell her about the library book they have read and then choose three Lego cards from the box to help to complete their own collection.

If anyone would like to donate any spare packs of Sainsbury’s Lego cards, they are welcome to drop them into the Potters Gate school office.

Tris said: “The children are loving the new look library and all of the exciting new reading challenges available to them!

“Thanks to the wonderful support from parents and children, so much work has been done already to update and recategorise the library.

“Friends of Potters Gate School are now actively looking for local companies to partner with us to allow us to continue with the work.”