STORYTELLERS will take centre stage at Butser Ancient Farm this weekend.

Two specially commissioned storytellers will recount tales written by author Dawn Nelson to enchant visitors with stories of prehistoric life. The interactive tales will transport listeners back in time to imagine life in an ancient farm and will feature music, costumes and props.

The Hunt for the Aurochs tells the story of a Stone Age hunter who must track the rare Aurochs, a huge cattle-like creature, now extinct, but that once roamed all across Europe.

The Missing Manx Loughtan, meanwhile, tells the tale of a run-away sheep and tracks the turning cycles of the Celtic year.

Both tales take place within the atmospheric settings of the re-constructed Neolithic long house and Iron Age roundhouses at Butser Ancient Farm at Chalton, south of Petersfield.

Preview performances will be held throughout the day on Saturday and Sunday, on June 3 and June 9.

Thanks to generous funding from Hampshire County Council, Dawn Nelson will then be training up a whole raft of Butser volunteers in the art of storytelling so that the tales can continue to be shared.