Farnham’s Veterans – Farnham L’Escargot – slipped to a 36-15 defeat at Petersfield Veterans.

From the outset, Petersfield set the tempo. The presence of Pete Daly – once a Farnham first-team stalwart – was strongly felt as he frequently bulldozed through Farnham’s early lacklustre defence. His solo efforts, combined with strong runs from Petersfield’s adept backline, led to a couple of quick tries – setting the tone for the initial stages.

Farnham lost winger Andrew Warner and centre Robin Legge to injury. Hooker Steve Douglas was repositioned to centre, while latecomer Fin Sloan took up the wing.

The tactical change bore fruit as Sloan soon touched down on the right, courtesy of a beautifully-executed looped pass from fly-half Rollinson.

Farnham were rejuvenated in the second half. The industrious Alex Gray and Andy Stend in the second row, coupled with the dynamism of Andrew Dailey and the fierce runs of Fin Healey, kept Petersfield on their toes. Scrum-half Huy Le marshalled the forwards well, and added impetus.

The resurgence was crowned with tries from Rollinson and debutant Kenny Green.