WITH the end of a long hot summer, the Bourne Conservation Group is taking several initiatives to attract new members to join its existing team of volunteers.

The conservation group offers the opportunity to work with people committed to maintaining and improving what is already an attractive area, to keep it as friendly to wildlife as possible.

At the start of the new school year, many students are looking for volunteering opportunities for their Duke of Edinburgh Award.

The group’s experiences with young people taking part in its work have been very good. Most years Bourne Conservation Group has had at least one student who has elected to volunteer for the sort of conservation work it is involved with.

They have enjoyed taking part and have learned something while the other members have much enjoyed having this younger element working.

Sometimes they bring ideas and skills of their own which are of value to the group.

One of the Bourne conservation group’s recent volunteers is pictured.

The group believes that volunteering with it is a good choice for these excellent young people. It gets them out of the house into the open air in all weathers and brings them into close contact with the natural environment in the woods and gardens of The Bourne.

They benefit from being part of a team and see the value and pleasure of working in an environment that will enrich the community.

They will also pick up new skills in the realms of horticulture, use of tools and the provision of wildlife habitats.

For the benefit of residents of all ages, the group is inviting anyone interested in its work to a meeting on the evening of October 23 in St Martins Hall, Lower Bourne.

The meeting is particularly aimed at anyone who might be considering joining the group and includes a talk by Martin Angel on the area’s rich natural heritage. Full details will be published nearer the time.

Bourne Conservation Group provides those who join with a wide view of the area, not only the more public places where it works, such as the Middle Bourne Lane Wildlife Garden, but also the little-known footpaths and pieces of woodland dotted all around south Farnham.

There is also the chance to become involved in the annual In Bloom competition in which Farnham was adjudged best Small Town in the UK last year.

Those interested to learn more about Bourne Conservation Group’s activities and how to get involved should make initial contact though the website bourneconservation.org.uk or e-mail [email protected] .

The Bourne Conservation Group is a group of volunteers who share a concern for the environment and a desire to contribute to keeping our area attractive. Founded in 2002, the group assists in the maintenance and improvement of local open spaces and rights-of-way for the benefit of both residents and wildlife and has even been featured on BBC Countryfile.