In its edition of September 13, 1974, the Herald reported: “The Farnham ‘It’s a Knockout’ team have the chance on Wednesday of becoming champions of Europe. In the ancient city of Leiden, mid-way between Amsterdam and Rotterdam, they will contest the final of ‘Jeux Sans Frontieres’.”

Farnham had come through their two heats, firstly in Farnham Park, secondly in Avenches in Switzerland, both watched by millions of armchair viewers on prime-time BBC television.

Sadly, despite taking an early lead, they did not win the final and the banner headline in the Farnham Herald was “Our team’s great Euro-run ends by the canals of Holland”.

Never before, or since, has the town of Farnham been so much in the national and international spotlight.

As it’s the 50th anniversary this year, two of the participants, Ian Carter and Sarah Wickens, are looking to organise a reunion for those involved in those extraordinary and exciting times of 1974.

Email Ian if you would be interested in being sent further details: [email protected]

Celebrating 50 events over 50 years in Farnham

The above is the first of a series of articles looking back at the Herald archive to mark the 50th anniversary of the dissolution of the Farnham Urban District Council (FUDC) in 1974.

Did you know that from 1895 until 1974, exactly 50 years ago on Monday this week, the Farnham Urban District Council (FUDC) was the local authority responsible for Farnham and district?

Local authorities all over the country were affected by the 1972 Local Government Act on the reorganisation and reform of local government which came into effect on April 1, 1974.

Locally, it saw the FUDC disbanded and the creation of Waverley District Council, which also covered Godalming, Haslemere and Cranleigh and many villages in between.

The FUDC was effectively dissolved at the end of March 1974. To acknowledge that milestone in Farnham’s long and proud history, in coming weeks Peeps into the Past will feature 50 events over those 50 years.

Farnham Urban District Council's last meeting in 1974 before it was disbanded to make way for the new Waverley District Council
Farnham Urban District Council's last meeting in 1974 before it was disbanded to make way for the new Waverley District Council (FUDC)