Pick up a plant or two at the annual plant sale at St George’s Church, Badshot Lea, on Saturday, May 11, at 10am until midday.

The sale will take place in the car park, off St George’s Road, and there will be a selection of bedding plants, shrubs and house plants available for a donation.

Tea, coffee and cake will be served and all the money raised will be used to support the church’s work. Among the community activities which it will support is an over-50s group called Connections which meets every other Tuesday, 10am to 11.30am, in St George’s Church Hall.

It offers games, jigsaws, refreshments and a chance to meet other people and so help counter isolation which is a particular problem in modern society.

Bill Thomas, who set up Connections with his wife Annie in 2017, said: “We set it up to offer activities, and we do play bingo and some people sit at the jigsaw table, but mostly we have found that our participants just want to sit and chat.

“A lot of the people who come have been widowed and many of them are on their own and haven’t spoken to another person for a while. So coming here means they meet others and can talk over a cup of tea and a biscuit or slice of cake. It’s free of charge and we feel it is really vital to provide this to people in the parish.”

The next Connections is on April 23. To find out more call 07842761919.