Two prominent trees in Farnham which had to be felled after becoming diseased have been given a new lease of life.

Farnham Town Council commissioned local chainsaw artist Michael Jones to transform the two stumps into beautiful pieces of public art.

The first carving was made from a European silver fir, which stood 85 feet (26 metres) tall before it was felled, and can be found in the old section of West Street Cemetery.

In celebration of the wildlife which is attracted to the cemetery, Mr Jones carved the stump into a scene which includes a deer, fox, owl and two owlets, a squirrel and a kite in flight.

The second carving can be seen in Gostrey Meadow, and has been created from a common oak which used to stand at 39 feet (12 metres) tall.

In a nod to the stump’s riverside setting, Mr Jones spent four days creating a carving which includes rushes, dragonflies, a heron, kingfisher and the castle element of Farnham Town Council’s logo.

Cllr Mat Brown, the lead member for the environment, said: “It is always a little sad when trees have to be felled because they are diseased, but thanks to Michael’s chainsaw mastery these two specimens live on and will be enjoyed and admired by all for many years to come.

”The West Street Cemetery carving is located at the chapel side of the cemetery near the wall, and the Gostrey Meadow carving can be seen just over the bridge by the river.”